Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

RDN Training

August 18, 2022

Development of a Weight-Inclusive Nutrition Education Toolkit

In response to a new 2022 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) Diversity, Equity, andInclusion (DEI) requirement, the Weight Inclusive Toolkit Initiative (WITI) Committee (a subsetof the Weight Inclusive Education Initiative) was hired by Nutrition and Dietetic Educators andPreceptors (NDEP) to develop an educational toolkit. The problem being addressed by the WITICommittee is that the…

Updated Protocol: Outpatient Follow-Up Chart Note Template

Going Home with a Feeding Tube: A Needs Assessment

Patient with COVID Leading to Multisystem Organ Failure Including ESRD with CRRT

Advancing Nutrition Assessments in the ICU

Histamine Intolerance and the Low Histamine Diet

Nutrition and Glycemic Management in Type 2 Diabetes

July 27, 2022

Chelsea Whealdon

Chelsea Whealdon

What influenced you to pursue a graduate degree in nutritional sciences? I was motivated by an interest in the connection between chronic disease and nutrition. After several years in the non-profit workforce, I felt drawn to return to school to deepen my learning around public health, and to do this through the lens of nutrition,…

June 30, 2022

Proposal for New Parenteral Nutrition Protocols at University of Washington Medical Center

Proposed Protein Supplementation Protocol for Critically-Ill Surgical Patients Receiving Enteral Nutrition Support DRAFT

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