RDN Training
October 31, 2019
The Impact of Low-Fat and Full-Fat Dairy Consumption on Glucose Homeostasis
Review: Probiotic Supplementation and NCAA Student Athlete Care
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Food Products & Fertility
Guideline for Frequency of MNT/DSME at Endocrine & Diabetes Care Center
Nutrition Requirements for Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
Developing Nutrition Guidelines for Outpatient Adults on Oral Ketogenic Diets at Harborview Medical Center
Feeding in the Setting of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
October 28, 2019
Creating Policy Briefs for Infant & Child Nutrition & Physical Activity: A Case Study for Dietitians’ Participation in Policy
State and federal policies affect the clinical and public health practices of dietitians, but few dietetic professionals participate in the process of improving policy. An intern spent seven weeks observing the Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC) core staff and its partners during Washington state legislative session, participating in activities such as: Lastly, in a partnership…
Identifying Feeding Practices and Nutritional Requirements for Low Birth Weight Infants in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
Roughly 20 million babies are born each year with low birthweight (LBW), defined as a birthweight of less than 2500 grams. The vast majority of these births occur in low-resource settings. LBW infants experience higher rates of mortality, morbidity, and poor growth as compared to infants with birthweights above 2500 grams. Through direct and indirect…
Starting the Conversation: Exploring Dietitians’ Attitudes and Perspectives of Weight-Related Interventions in a Pediatric Health Care System
Registered dietitians (RD) play a major role in weight-related interventions and have varying perspectives and approaches. Patients at Seattle Children’s Hospital (SCH) are often engaged in different departments where they may receive contradictory recommendations and information leading to confusion, frustration, and distrust in their healthcare team. We aimed to deliver interviews to interdepartmental RDs at…
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