Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

RDN Training

June 9, 2023

Nutrition Education with Hunger Intervention Program

Partnered with Hunger Intervention Program and their mission to increase food security for underserved populations in North King County to provide nutrition education and cooking demonstrations to children and adults at schools, farmers markets, and cafes. Community Partner: Hunger Intervention Program

Qualitative Data Review and Analysis: We Feed WA Pilot Food Program

We Feed WA (WFW) provides emergency food for people experiencing hunger through partnerships with local or regional food producers, farmers and ranchers, processors and distributors, and hunger relief organizations that serve socially disadvantaged communities. This project involved a qualitative data analysis of feedback from the program’s contractors during its pilot year, identifying themes for a…

WSU Global Health Promotion: Grocery Vouchers

Completed research, data analysis, and a literature review focusing on digital/web-based nutrition education interventions for remote college students. Community Partner: WSU Global Campus

May 17, 2023

Teen Feed: Trauma and Food, Notes for Meals

Created a handout outlining food texture, taste, spice, and digestion aids to consider during meals with Teen Feed clients who have experienced trauma. This handout was informed by the documented association between trauma and eating behaviors or GI intolerance both in literature and through qualitative interviews with Teen Feed and local meal programs. Community Partner:…

May 4, 2023

How to Talk About Food: A Guide for Teen Feed Volunteers

Drafted a simple document for Teen Feed volunteers and staff on how to talk with teens about food without communicating harm. Encourages client-facing workers to avoid labels, limit personal commentary, and to refrain from interfering with each individual’s approach to “normal” eating.

A Visual Adaptation of the HER Guidelines Table for Teen Feed Volunteers

Developed an “at-a-glance” version of the Healthy Eating Research (HER) Guidelines Table with example images of foods within the categories of “often”, “sometimes”, or “rarely” to help Teen Feed volunteers offer balanced meal options for their guests.

Teen Feed Meal Evaluation Tool

Created a meal evaluation tool (“Meal Checklist”) for Teen Feed volunteers to use before or after building their meals. Google Form questions both gather information on and help guide volunteers into making healthy, balanced food choices. Meal-level and high-level metrics are aggregated in an easy-to-understand Google spreadsheet (“Teen Feed Metrics”).

Teen Feed: Build Your Own Healthy Meal Challenge

Prepared a guide with a list of healthy or “choose often” options for each food category so clients can combine items they like and build their own version of a healthy, balanced meal.

Teen Feed: Population and Impact

Designed a handout for Teen Feed to utilize when soliciting donors and volunteers, which provides an overview of their adolescent client population and their unique nutrition needs and the impact the organization’s social and nutrition justice work provides to the community.

Teen Feed: Ensuring Physical and Emotional Safety at Mealtimes

Used the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) model to create a fact sheet and guide for Teen Feed volunteers to use when building their client meals. Focuses on supporting both the emotional and nutritional health of the organization’s youth clientele.

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