Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Nutrition Policy

November 7, 2018

Use of a Nutrient Rich Foods Index to Study the Effect of Seattle’s Minimum Wage Ordinance on Supermarket Food Prices by Nutrient Quality

An Evaluation of Current Lunchroom Food Waste and Potential Food Rescue Programs in a Washington State School District

An Intervention to Promote Physical Activity Through Creation of Body-Size Inclusive Spaces

This project was completed as part of NUTR 596: Nutrition Practice Capstone.

October 28, 2018

Applying a RE-AIM Framework to Curriculum Fidelity to Evaluate SNAP-Ed Direct Education in Washington State

To evaluate direct education through a curriculum fidelity monitoring approach by applying the public health systems framework of: reach effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance (RE-AIM). It is hypothesized that high curriculum fidelity will generate a significant increase in physical activity and nutrition knowledge among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) participants compared to low curriculum…

The Seattle Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax: A Case Study in Policy

Sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxes have been proposed as a means of curbing the tide of obesity and diabetes in the United States.1 Despite their public health potential, many of these proposed taxes have been met with intense opposition by the beverage industry. The Seattle SSB tax (CB 118965) was proposed in by Mayor Ed Murray…

October 30, 2017

WA State’s Health and Physical Education K-12 Learning Standards in Seattle Public High Schools

Seattle Children’s Hospital providers are unfamiliar with the Nutrition Education Standards (“NES”) that inform classroom instruction in Seattle Public High Schools. However, information shared by patients during clinic visits has indicated that students are receiving information on nutrition that may differ from evidence based guidelines. This project examined the strategies for revising, implementing and overseeing…

Finalizing and Stewarding Washington State’s 25-Year Vision for a Healthy, Just and Sustainable Food System

The Washington State Food Systems Roundtable (FSRT) is a coalition of public and private partners representing state agencies, local food policy councils, agriculture, food enterprises, labor, anti-hunger and nutrition, economic development, academia, public health and others. Their mission is to produce a 25-year vision for a healthy, just and sustainable food system for Washington State….

December 16, 2016

An Analysis of the Adoption and Implementation of Breastfeeding Policies in Washington State Clinics

Exploring Factors that Influence Adoption and Implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in Washington State

June 30, 2016

Smarter Lunchroom Evaluations in Snohomish County Promoting Fruit & Vegetable Consumption in Elementary Schools

A majority of students in Snohomish County are not consuming the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables (F&V). Schools have the ability to influence the amount of F&V consumed by children. Smarter Lunchroom strategies use behavioral economics to persuade students to choose and consume healthy food. Implementing Smarter Lunchroom strategies will support student nutrition and…

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