Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health


September 21, 2020

Daily eating occasions and risk of type 2 diabetes

Marian Neuhouser

How does meal frequency affect T2D risk? New study from Marian Neuhouser, core faculty in the UW Nutritional Sciences Program and researcher at Fred Hutch evaluated the association between the number of daily eating occasions with T2D risk and whether these associations varied by body mass index (BMI), age, or race/ethnicity.

September 15, 2020

Food insecurity rates have more than doubled since start of COVID-19 pandemic

National Guard volunteer helping pack food at Norwthwest Harvest

Since the onset of the pandemic, food insecurity rates have more than doubled in WA state, according to UW Nutritional Sciences and Center for Public Health Nutrition Center researchers who comment on the recently compiled the results from their first round of a statewide survey. 

September 9, 2020

Dr. Marie Spiker joins Nutritional Sciences core faculty

Marie Spiker

The Nutritional Sciences Program is pleased to welcome Dr. Marie Spiker as a new member of our core faculty and growing team of food systems researchers.  Spiker is an assistant professor in epidemiology in the UW School of Public Health.  Spiker approaches public health nutrition through a food systems lens. Her research focuses on equitably nourishing…

September 4, 2020

Marie Spiker

Marie Spiker

What would it look like for us to equitably nourish a growing global population? More importantly, how do we get there – which inputs have more leverage within complex systems, and what evidence do decision-makers need in order to support public health? Dr. Marie Spiker approaches public health nutrition research through a food systems lens…

August 28, 2020

Changes to food system needed to reduce consumer food waste, new report says

Edible food thrown into consumer trash can

Jennifer Otten, associate professor in the UW Nutritional Sciences Program co-authored this new report which identifies recommendations for reducing consumer food waste at a national level.

August 19, 2020

Food label fight splits EU

Example of EU food labeling

Adam Drewnowski comments on new food labeling proposed as a component of the ambitious European Green Deal.

Collaborating for health equity

woman picking flowers

Nutritional Sciences core faculty members Jennifer Otten, Adam Drewnwoski, Sarah Collier, and Yona Sipos awarded population health equity research grants by the UW Population Health Initiative.

August 18, 2020

School awarded six COVID-19 population health equity grants


Nutritional Sciences Program faculty Jennifer Otten, Adam Drewnowksi, Sarah Collier, Yona Sipos among researchers involved in new UW Population Health Initiative COVID-19 healthy equity research projects. Read more about the studies in this story by UW School of Public Health.

August 12, 2020

Nutr 390 explores film genre of food documentaries

Autumn Course

If you’ve ever watched a food documentary, how can you know what is factual and based in science, or is presenting a subjective bias by the filmmaker?  The Nutritional Sciences Program will offer a NUTR 390 Food Seminar course this autumn quarter, which will help you as a viewer learn how to examine nutrition information…

August 3, 2020

Obama-era school nutrition policy led to better diets for students but faces changes

Michelle Obama with children in school cafeteria

UW Nutritional Sciences researchers Jessica Jones-Smith, Cristen Harris and Kelsey Kinderknecth conducted the first nationally representative study to assess specifically how the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act – championed by former first lady Michelle Obama and signed into law by former President Barack Obama – impacted the overall nutritional quality of school meals eaten by…

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