Washington State Survey of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care
About the Survey The purpose of the survey was to learn more about nutrition and physical activity for children ages 2-5 in licensed child care programs. Child care providers in all parts of Washington completed the survey and provided important information about nutrition and physical activity for young children in our state. The University of...
Date: November 20, 2013
Author(s): Center for Public Health Nutrition
Opportunities for Increasing Access to Healthy Foods in Washington State
A report for the Access to Healthy Foods Coalition. This publication was supported by Washington State Department of Health (DOH) through Cooperative Agreement Number 5U58DP001491-02 from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of DOH or CDC.
Author(s): Donna Johnson, Mary Podrabsky, Corinne McCuskey, Karen Holt Luetjen, Christy Alexander
Resource Type(s): Reports
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