Food Systems Major
June 26, 2023
Master Composter/Sustainability Steward Intern
Participated in the Spring 2023 Master Composter/Sustainability Steward Program, as well as assisting with program coordination and outreach. Managed Tilth’s worm bins at the Good Shepherd Center. Community Partner: Tilth Alliance
Differences in state-level accessibility to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Collected and recorded 2023 data from all 50 U.S. states to compare SNAP policy choices from past USDA data. This will show state-level trends, eligibility criteria, and participant requirements.
June 21, 2023
Who is Farming? Exploring the Diversity of Ideas on the UW Farm
This study strives to understand more about the diversity of ideas on the UW Farm and in the larger food system. The intern interviewed several UW Farm workers, including students with different areas of focus and backgrounds, farm staff, a campus dining chef, and community volunteers. Community Partner: UW Farm
April 19, 2023
UW Farm Strategic Planning Capstone Projects, Winter 2023
Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health capstone projects for winter 2023 helped advance the UW Farm’s ongoing strategic planning process which was initiated in 2021. Students built upon Phase I of the Farm’s strategic plan by gathering community stakeholders’ thoughts, ideas, and opinions on goals for the farm’s growth. An overarching goal of all projects was…
April 17, 2023
Ground Truthing Phase 1 of UW Farm Strategic Plan with UW Farm Advisory Committee
The team provided ideas and recommendations to benefit the UW Farm based on focus group feedback from members of the Farm Advisory Committee on Phase 1 of the organization’s strategic plan. Community Partner: UW Farm Advisory Committee
Ground Truthing Phase 1 of UW Farm Strategic Plan with UW Registered Student Organizations
The team partnered with the UW Farm and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) on campus to uncover the importance of student engagement within Phase 1 of the UW Farm strategic plan. Feedback gathered through interviews with RSOs was analyzed and turned into key recommendations for the Farm’s future community engagement. Community Partner: UW Registered Student Organizations
Ground Truthing Phase 1 of UW Farm Strategic Plan with UW Campus Sustainability Fund
The team analyzed preliminary interviews and focus group results to help advance Phase 1 of the UW Farm’s strategic plan, focusing on strengthening collaboration between the UW Farm and the Campus Sustainability Fund to achieve shared sustainability goals. Community Partner: UW Campus Sustainability Fund
Ground Truthing Phase 1 of UW Farm Strategic Plan with UW wǝɫxǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House
The team utilized community feedback through qualitative interviews to integrate Indigenous food sovereignty and perspectives into recommendations toward the furthering of Phase 1 of the UW Farm Strategic Plan, aiming to strengthen community engagement between the institution and the Indigenous community to build a more sustainable campus food system. Community Partner: wǝɫxǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House
UW Farm Strategic Goal #4: Contribute to UW Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Sustainability – Team 2
This project leverages established relationships to improve cross-campus buy-in and funding of Farm initiatives by visualizing the current and potential stakeholder network, uniting motivated students, and mobilizing invested campus partners to ensure sustainability of UW Farm production for enhanced student food security and sovereignty. Deliverables include: the Farm U.P. Table and petition, an institutional network…
UW Farm Strategic Goal #4: Contribute to UW Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Sustainability – Team 1
This team addressed one of the UW Farm’s strategic goals: Contribute to UW Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Sustainability. The group developed educational deliverables for First Year Programs to educate first-year students about the Farm and Food Pantry, increasing student knowledge and awareness of those resources and their own role(s) in the UW food system….
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