Master of Public Health
June 15, 2021
The Effects of High and Low Glycemic Load Diets on Subjective Mood and Energy Levels in Normal Weight and Overweight/Obese Adults
April 16, 2021
Advocating for Farm to Early Care and Education in WA
Farm to ECE is as movement that aims to bring school gardens, agricultural education, and/or locally produced foods to the early care and education setting. The Washington state farm to ECE community of practice is under development, but the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recently obtained grant funding to build a statewide coalition. The…
Developing Culturally Relevant Asian Meals for Sound Generations’ Meals on Wheels
Sound Generations’ Meals on Wheels (MOW) currently serves over 6,000 older adults living in King County. The current MOW menu offers an array of vegetarian, vegan, low-sodium, kosher, and halalcertified meals. Clients have reported that they are generally satisfied with the meal options, but several clients have recently voiced the need for more culturally relevant…
April 13, 2021
Maximizing the Reach and Impact of WA SNAP-Ed Resources
Washington SNAP-Ed seeks to help people in Washington with food insecurity access healthy food. To fully achieve this goal, SNAP-Ed resources must be equally accessible to all SNAP participants. This project involved helping the Washington SNAP-Ed Curriculum, Training, and Website team maximize the reach of Washington SNAP-Ed through two key deliverables. Instructions were developed for…
Promoting and Supporting NW Tribal Food Sovereignty Through Policy
The Northwest Tribal Food Sovereignty Coalition (NTFSC) has been working to promote tribal food sovereignty by supporting community-led initiatives and encouraging inter-tribal knowledge exchange. The NTFSC has also formed a policy workgroup to strategize how tribal food sovereignty may be further supported by policy change. Recent workgroup meetings have resulted in the identification of policy…
Culturally Relevant Breastfeeding Support Among Childcare Providers in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
In partnership with the Washington State Department of Health, this project focused on culturally relevant breastfeeding promotion in childcare environments. There are significant disparities in Washington state hidden within the 92.5% breastfeeding initiation rate; structural racism and inequities create additional barriers to breastfeeding among people of color and other historically marginalized communities, contributing to cycles…
Virtual health assessment for athletes with intellectual disabilities
Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) face unique challenges in the era of remote interaction brought on by COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions. In the context of health assessment, Special Olympics Washington recently converted their in-person athletic events to an entirely virtual format. As a result of having facets of these events condensed into a more centralized,…
April 9, 2021
An Intervention to Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding by Creating Continuing Medical Education Training Modules for Healthcare Providers
March 26, 2021
Evaluating Employers’ Needs and Intentions to Implement Evidence-Based Healthy Eating Practices in the Workplace
March 11, 2021
Exploring the Relationships between Dietary Intake of Early Childhood Education (ECE) Teachers and Nutrition Best Practices in ECE Centers
Food served in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) setting can account for over two-thirds of the diet of children in full-time care, and evidence-based best practices related to nutrition are recommended to establish healthy eating behaviors in children. This study examines whether there is a link between healthier teacher dietary intake and increased adherence to…
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