Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Nutrition Science

August 18, 2022

Healthy Food, As Told by TikTok: A Thematic Analysis of the Most Liked #healthyrecipes on TikTok

Thematic analysis revealed that the most popular TikTok creators of “healthy” recipes characterize healthy food as some combination of utilizing practical skills to maintain a home cooking routine, incorporating functional or plant-based ingredients, delivering on exciting sensory experiences, and providing permission to eat certain foods based on specific health parameters.

Effect of Low vs High Eating Frequency on Perceived Appetite, Plasma Appetite Hormones, and Appetite Relationships: A Component of the Frequency of Eating and Satiety Hormones (FRESH) Study

This study concludes that three versus six eating frequencies per day did not have an independent effect on appetite measures through a randomized cross-over trial that controlled for various factors, including caloric intake. Concordance, or predictability, of the relationships between hormonal measures of appetite and perceived measures of appetite was weak, which warrants future research…

Changes in Eating Habits Among Eating Competent and Non-Eating Competent College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Recent research reveals that eating context, as well as underlying stress, were the primary drivers of changes in eating habits experienced by U.S. undergraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study highlights the benefit of qualitative analysis for expanding our understanding of theoretical frameworks like the Satter Eating Competence model.

Eating Competence and Gender Identity Are Significantly Associated with Weight-And-Body Shame-And-Guilt, Eating Concerns, and Weight Satisfaction in Undergraduate Students

This study, which surveyed a large sample of undergraduates at the University of Washington, determined that eating competence and gender identity are significantly associated with: weight-and-body shame-and-guilt, weight satisfaction, and eating concerns. These associations demonstrate the emotional components of food, eating behaviors, and body-related perceptions, and may be helpful in future interventions aimed at improving these characteristics…

Disordered Eating and Eating Competence in Adults with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Based on Symptom Severity

This study seeks to assess the frequency at which disordered eating impacts patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), evaluate the level of Eating Competence (EC) among patients with IBS, and determine whether EC and eating disorder (ED) risk varies according to IBS symptom severity and IBS subtype.

July 7, 2022

Laboratory Assistant Internship at Chondrex, Inc.

Assisted in research working on developing antibodies against and allergens such as gluten and developing antibody assay kits to fight against pathogenesis of dysbiosis and low immune function.  Connected to real world challenges of supply chains.

Nutrition as Intervention in Genetic Disease

Assisted in research being conducted between PXE (pseudoxanthoma elasticum), a rare genetic condition, and diet. Created clear and simple graphic materials that were distributed to study participants that offered information about how they could improve the nutritional quality of their diets by designing new meal plans. Continued research provided a more comprehensive understanding of the long-term…

Latin American Nutrition Guide for Providers

March 3, 2022

Outreach Intern for Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Gained hands-on experience with communication and outreach for food systems, nutrition, and health major. Collaborated with staff on information sessions and panels.  Wrote and delivered introduction of the major to classes and on video.  Researched student organizations and events to help make connections on behalf of the major for prospective and current students. Assessed social…

September 3, 2021

Screen Time in Early Care and Education Settings: Current Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities

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