Master of Public Health
December 19, 2023
Assessing the Marketing Environment of Online Grocery Retail
Designed a scorecard protocol to evaluate and rank online grocery retailers based on the influence of their marketing practices on accessibility and consumer choice of nutritious foods. Community Partner: Center for Science in the Public Interest
Community Nutrition Outreach with Hunger Intervention Program
Partnered with the Hunger Intervention Program (HIP) to assist in their mission to increase food security for underserved populations in North King County. Provided nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, and nutritious food to children and adults within their local community spaces. Community Partner: Hunger Intervention Program
High Impact Obesity Prevention Standards (HIOPS) in Pennsylvania
Conducted qualitative research to identify the policy-to-practice implications of HIOPS implementation into early childhood education (ECE) licensing regulations in Pennsylvania. Presented findings to Keystone Kids Go, a state level workgroup of multisectoral ECE professionals. Community Partner: Keystone Kids Go
A Taste of the Season: Creating Community Nutrition Education Materials for Seattle’s Refugee and Immigrant Seniors
In partnership with registered dietitians at Tilth Alliance, created culturally tailored nutrition education materials for an in-season vegetable (Swiss Chard) and presented the materials to refugee and immigrant seniors at community centers in Seattle, Washington. Community Partner: Tilth Alliance
Food Security & Sovereignty in Alaska Native Communities
Conducted a literature review exploring papers that document food security and health in Alaska Native communities as well as how agriculture grants and programs do or don’t align with Alaska Native needs and goals around food security. Findings from literature review supported ongoing work to a report on Food Security and Sovereignty in Alaska Native…
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) Educational Toolkit
The FFVP toolkit will serve as a complementary nutrition education resource for staff, teachers, students, and parents at participating Seattle public schools. It is a compilation of materials that include lesson plans, videos, in-class activities, produce factsheets, and shopping guides for each FFVP produce item served in the 2023-2024 school year. Community Partner: City of…
November 30, 2023
Worked with the Pike Place Market Foundation to develop NutriNavigator, a lesson plan and digital map, for 6th grade students to gain a deeper understanding of the nutritional value of diverse foods commonly found in a farmer’s market. The students will use the map as they explore what a farmer’s market is and learn the…
The Basics of Nutrition for Cancer Prevention: A Guide for Patient Populations and Partners Affiliated with the American Cancer Society
Created a concise and informative handout presenting practical and evidence-based information promoting healthy eating habits to individuals with cancer so they – or those caring for them – can make informed choices about their nutrition. The guide will be distributed by the American Cancer Society to their patient population and partners through various channels, including…
November 8, 2023
Lauren Perkins
What influenced you to pursue a graduate degree in nutritional sciences? I was a really picky eater growing up and I always felt left out of the cool kids’ club. What was it about food that everyone liked so much? Why was it so blasphemous that I didn’t like a lot of foods other people…
November 2, 2023
Cecilia Msogoya
What influenced you to pursue a graduate degree in nutritional sciences? I have always been acutely aware of the pressing triple burden of malnutrition around me, particularly in Tanzania, as well as in other low- or middle-income countries (LMIC). This awareness and firsthand experience ignited a desire to not only understand but also address these…
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